Updates 2!

Paul McCartney reports a gnostic dream with an heroic figure.
Are dreams the source of scientific advancement
Dreams play a major role in our macro social development,  via inspirations to key people.They also impact directly on the daily lives of  Gnostic Laymen. Like Jill.
There is a plan.
Commentary on Dr Deagle

Dr Deagle is right again

Why we cling to the biggest lies
Kundalini rise reports Julian and Trevor
 5 Another invention by divine intervention Timbercrete bricks
The ever suffering Skeptics- new developments
Testing God - a documentary offering a solution to the conflict between science and religion 3 episodes.
Andy Clarke contributor to Testing God
Source Impersonating this webmaster all over the place
Lay Gnosis even works through serious drugs
Chris Robinson UK Psychic hounded by pseudo skeptics
Latest acquisition Angel and her blog
Lord Monckton on Climategate- a man worth listening to
35 Alex Collier in Camelot, Alien contactee advocates Gnosis for all
Origin of Lucifer, Satan concept surprises only religious people
How little we know
Russia DNA discoveries

LG goes into Spanish again

Erik Gnostic from Finland reports on Cell phone dangers
 1 Did this happen to Mozart-Closely parralleling the gnostic experience of Jill.
Why we cling to the biggest lies
Paul McCartney reports a gnostic dream with an heroic figure.
Are dreams the source of scientific advancement
Finally a credible reason for sleep and dreams.
The Gnostic Dr Deagle Pt1
10 Satanic Music and Michael Jackson
Kundalini Animation
Kundalini brain tissue explanation
Big Pharma under attack by growing Placebo effect
14 Reincarnation and the Holographic principle.
Tantra the slow way home
Ian Lawson reincarnation and holograms and the interlife
Gnostics may giggle at Scientists and the Higgs Boson Particle
20 Testing God Episode 2
Testing God Episode 3
Star of Testing God Radio Astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Andy Clarke contributor to Testing God
Source Impersonating this webmaster all over the place
25 Brian Josephson Nobel Prize winner Physics
How we deal with confronting information
Lay Gnosis even works through serious drugs
Chris Robinson UK Psychic hounded by pseudo skeptics
Latest acquisition Angel and her blog
30 I dream of Jeanie
Henry Makow, scholarly commentator on world events
The worst fraud in history- Governments signing humanity into slavery at Copenhagen.
Lord Monckton on Climategate- a man worth listening to
Precise Origin of Science and it's modern Empire of the Mind comes under fire from a fringe group. Electric Universe. Fun read
Ancients saw a radically different sky- Symbols of an Alien sky Electric Universe docco excerpts
11 Emergence of the EU theory was a scientific struggle over generations still firmly opposed by the mainstream.
Angel - The progress of a new born gnostic
Gladys in the Canaries brought into TBH.
15  LG goes into Spanish Yeehaa !
Perrennial Gnosis explained very simply
Zammit worth listening to
Spanish Easter rituals
20 Hell and how its used for mind control thru the centuries
All connected we are PROVEN
How little we know
NDEs always fascinating
Julian here
25 Julian again
Jill snags another one
Jill Gnostic veteran
Russia DNA discoveries
Your alien brain - Dr Mitchell Gibson
 30 Illusions - Abiotic Oil
Gnostic couples Logan in NZ
New Scientist --Darwin trashed-- wrong for 150 yrs

LG goes into Spanish again

Read all about it James Randi confesses to being GAY at 80. Explains many things
Opinions on Militant Atheism
Militant Atheists Dawkins and Co
Dan Winter a beautiful mind
NDEs always fascinating
Jill snags another one
Your alien brain - Dr Mitchell Gibson

42 Our new Invention

Post Natal LAY GNOSIS of Angel
The thrill of connecting people to God by Gladys
A Personal Experience
And an Eastern Description
Brief Kundalini description
Aborigines widely familiar with Kundalini