Henry Makow
a Winnipeg social commentator expounds impressively on a wide variety of issues including feminism, zionism, capitalism, communism, judaism. He summarises rare old books no longer available and reveals some great historic surprises. What motivates Henry Makow to be so diligently studious ? He cares. Particularly about illusions damaging to society and institutionalised mendacity.
He is also quite a spiritual man. And wrote this article (link) discussing how God has become a taboo word and how romantic radio songs are equally applicable to God.....
So I have sent him a letter explaining that God feels the same way toward him, and in fact uses that very same method of messaging in the state of LAY GNOSIS. Available to him with a biochemical switch closure in just twenty minutes. at TBH.
It would be a BIG HELP Godlings if you could drop Henry a line suggesting he enjoy Lay Gnosis like you do. Perhaps relate some personal gnostic adventures, biochemical bliss etc, and emphasise this is purely natural, available to all. And its potential for boosting the internal happiness of the average person's life, on daily basis.
Below here my Note to Henry. And NOTICE in the readers comments the many sleepwalkers,who read Henry.