The music has a clarity and effect you will feel as he enriches your emotional life. Driving your natural opiates and endorphins directly so his influence is more than just background music. Neurogenesis anyone? (new brain cells) see Elizabeth Gould. Fancy some new brain cells? Reprogramming for greater life quality?
(for hard science backup see Seed Magazine -The Reinvention of the Self)
If your favorite entertainers are like the Beatles, Abba or Elvis, song lyrics covering many aspects of life reside in your memory. Clips of your favourite songs will be used to communicate with you in the form of a very pleasant musical commentary from him. Accompanying the music will be video images in your minds eye. of the singer(s).Only you will hear these musical fragments thus many of the romantic dialogues you will detect he is expressing toward you,. the object of his adoration.
A serenade to You The Star. He hangs on evey word you speak. So the communication is just you and him in a very private way. You are alone with him. In such intimacy wonderful things can happen.