This critical snapshot of Kissinger may be quite an eye opener for you. It reveals he is jewish, that's fine. That's OK. Further revealed is that he has been a double agent, dual or triple identity / loyalty all of his adult life. So what does he stand for? In a recently released tape recording from his Nixon years he is heard saying to another country's government that it would be just fine if that country just happened to exterminate a few million more jews ! Rather than assisting them to migrate from Russia to Israel as Golda Meir was requesting.. Quite convenient in fact would another holocaust be. Apalled you are of course. But it underlines a confusing frightening established trend. That the religion of Judaism produces its own worst enemies. some necrophilic personalities A previous case of this same attitude was Adolf Eichmann a german Jewish officer found responsible for the death of 8000 jewish prisoners in WWII. He was kidnapped by Israeli commandos in the early sixties found guilty. Though he was jewish himself he had no regrets and insisted that what he did was best for jewish people over all. He reaffirmed this point all the way to the gallows.
If you are flabbergasted you should be. What gives you say? How can this be? What insanity ! That high profile Kissinger would happily agree with criminal Eichman suggests this mindset could be widespread, barely concealed amongst Illuminati "intellectuals" Coldly sacrificing their own kind seems useful for political gains for these utterly psychopathic individuals, who seem to value only one thing, political control of others. And that's mentioned in the EU video Who do you think you are?
Do your own research on this. Start here with Kissinger.
Judaism producing its own worst enemies might give you a clue as to why in Hitler's Germany only two newspapers existed. A state owned German one of course and of all things a Zionist newspaper that desperately campaigned to have European Judaic people shipped off to Palestine to be ruled over by power hungry Kissinger types. So in seeming jew hating Germany a large Zionist newspaper flourished with German government approval !
How odd you say ! Some prominent members of the Nazi Party were jewish. The German Navy had jewish ship captains (big battle ships) and many thousands of jewish germans served in the german army. Confusing eh !
The root cause of all this seems to be the judaic religious insistence on dual identity. That their own host nation is an unclean enemy to be lied to at all times, because they are the master race, according to the Talmud. Integration was strictly forbidden for centuries. Judaic people were not allowed to even speak their host nation's language. Forbidden by Talmudic priests who could hand out death sentences. Control freakery.
And here to further emphasise this bizarre contradiction that causes Judaism to produce its own worst enemies, a couple of things to ponder.
Adolph Hitler had personal jewish friends that he protected. Ironically he never knew he was totally financed by the jewish Warburgs in 1928. 25 million Deutch Marks to take over Germany and pursue a militarist foreign policy were supplied anonymously in a restaurant by the WARBURG financiers, closest allies of the Rothschilds. One Warburg brother was head of German intelligence.
And to top it off below right here is a link to flip your lid. About Hitler's relatives.
And dont forget the Kissinger expose here.