A renowned scientist in 1960 said that brains degenerate from an early age and that brain cells cannot repair or regrow or reproduce for the rest of your life. A downhill run from age 16.
Because of hs reputation no one questioned this "great man". He mentally crippled generations of other scientists who never thought to question 'his eminence'.
Naturally, common people agreed with the white coated priesthood.
The scientist was completely wrong.
Modern research shows that brain mass can increase with learning. Modern technology allows new brain circuits to be counted and quantified.
Brain Maps.
That the brain dedicates areas to certain functions is proven but the areas can move and merge and even be completely relocated elsewhere following injury. How?
Even just by talk therapy, psychoanalysis, scanners show that people can learn to break faulty disabling associations and replace them with healthier more desirable associations between different parts of the brain. Scanners before and after psychoanalysis, reveal permanent changes, in which different areas of the brain map, light up with the same mental activities.
Interesingly, short term memories seem to be transformed into long term by genetic changes in certain cells.
Meaning, you are not a prisoner of your genes, or your upbringing. Not an animal, bred.
Guess who else does similar healing operations via this wonderful brain plasticity?
Why, Source of course.
Just like a psychonalyst, Source can present repeatedly a faulty thought habit from childhood flooding the brain with bliss compounds as a better thought sequence is provided.This with repetitions can rewire a bad thought habit into a much better one that becomes permanent. And presto the healing is done. In Lay Gnosis this never really stops. It's done all day, anytime, as you go about your daily activities. Free of charge.
The latest discoveries in our amazing brain plasticity are summarised by a Doctor's book
The Brain that changes itself. By Dr Norman Doidge. MD.
The Brain that Changes itself rear cover review
An astonishing new scientific discovery is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the adult human brain is fixed and unchanging. It is, instead, able to change its own structure and function even into old age.
Psychiatrist and researcher Norman Doidge MD travelled around the US to meet the brilliant scientists, championing neuroplasticity, and the people whose lives they have transformed-people whose mental limitations or brain damage were previously seen as unalterable, and whose conditions had been dismissed as hopeless.
We see a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole ; a woman labelled retarded who cured her deficits with brain exercises and now cures those of others ; blind people who learn to see, learning disorders cured ; IQs raised; ageing brains rejuvenated; stroke patients recovering their faculties; children with cerebral palsy learning to move gracefully ; entrenched depression and anxiety disappearing ; and lifelong character traits changed.
Doidge takes us onto terrain that might seem fantastic. We learn that our thoughts can switch our genes on and off,. altering our brain anatomy. We learn how people of average intelligence, can ,with brain exercises, improve their congnition and perception , develop muscular strength, or learn to play a musical instrument --- simply by imagining so.
Using personal stories from the heart of this neuro plasticity revolution, Dr Doidge says has written an immensely moving , inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.
And now YOU can add SOURCE