Creator's favourite  themes are conveyed by dashes of music in a kind of  romantic operatic way. The two songs here- so romantic - take them as applying only to you. Only you will hear this internally. It's just for you. And to your many objections to his 'misconduct ' he is likely to  respond with the final lines of 'Je ne regret rien--I regret nothing ! Damn the past! -  because my life began today  with you  precious (in your internal awareness)
Its niceley subtitled for you.
The other song "La vie en Rose" is an expression of attachment to you, precious . He adores your voice- every word you speak. You are the Star in his life. 
He means everyword of this song-- Love is beyond gender 
YOU are the portrait 'sans retouch'

And, beyond language , the joyful Russian voiced  finale celebratory sentiment  mirrors the Creator's delight at your liberation from darkness, Godling,You might hear bits of this anytime.
 Its Him. Only you will hear this.