This just appeared on Sydney TV. A highly unusual subject for the MSM.
An Australian
UFO abduction counsellor
makes a TV documentary attempting to convince her skeptical veterenarian son that she is not a crackpot and nor are her many many, clients.
I have abbreviated it but the story shows the mindset that this subject is bedevilled with. Ridicule from thoughtless people. Who cares ? from others.Yet a real live paid government scientist works in Canberra listening for signals from other stars. And he is quite serious.That's in the show, also.
The UFO abductee counsellor gets fairly technical and forensic using a laptop to show some remarkable lights over crop circle country in the UK.
Clear as a bell they are.The son is intrigued.
Then she takes her protesting skeptical son to meet a person who claims a close encounter
supplying physical evidence
in a Sydney suburb. Video begins there.
Then follows a story that seems like every man's wet dream but physical evidence is provided that later is identified by a biochem lab as most strange. And worthy of note.
Keyword is Chymera . That's an animal with dual DNA. They exist in nature and are due to horizontal gene transfer. Animals that could never breed together become part of each other. Viruses transfer DNA.
Dual DNA is described in this alien encounter story.
And remember
DNA did not evolve on earth
. It came from space according to its discoverers Watson and Crick. Panspermia.
The story is further supported by the story teller passing a polygraph test.