Electric universe steps in to explain a 100 yr old science mystery about distilled water subjected to a very high voltage. 15KV. The odd behaviour includes the defying of gravity- you will see this. For a hundred years science has left this astonishing activity in the too hard basket because they all wore blinkers. Like they still do, most times. LOL
And an equally anomalous but very satisfying discovery /demonstration that homeopathic water does not behave logically as we would like it to do. The leading skeptics are furious. And have gone quiet because the simple experiment has already been duplicated by other scientists. I'll just say it all makes sense to me coming from an electrical engineers background. The setup at least. The experiment is a simple HP Dieletric tester ( capacitor tester) which consists of a high voltage KV power supply with current limiting, is applied to a homeopathic solution.
As its diluted it should by common sense become progressively and predictably less conductive and return to normal water behaviour as the dilute has vanished completely.
But it doesnt.
That's the rub. Thats why James Randi has backed down, on homeopathy. Quiet as a doormouse he is now. And John Benneth's playful in-the skeptics-faces delivery, of this hard science duplicated finding, drives the online skeptics into a frenzy of vitriolic condemnation of John Benneth, who is only the messenger. He is always entertaining.