Video explaining an article on "How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions -- and began one of the largest mind control operations in history." Located at:
Or you can watch the video below, and listen to the very serious researcher author, who discovered numerous odd things and connections about Terrance McKenna. One thing in particular, that he displays the hallmark property ,of the professional career conspirator, namely, that he urges his readers to utterly dismiss all conspiracy theories, and just listen to him. Standard elitist advice, to anyone half listening. Does that sound familiar ? It gets better. Wait till you hear about UNESCO, and who formed it, and why. This issue is worth a bit of study. This very much ties in with the rabid atheist campaigning of Corliss Lamont forming CSICOP, to keep people asleep. LINK- Corliss Lamont, was the wealthy heir son of a JP Morgan partner.JP Morgan's entourage brought psychedelic drugs to us and other things, like the 2012 "meme". And you may be surprised at what families have intermarried. And YES, Leonard Nimoy, (Mr Spock), is involved. Read on.