Fantastic How wonderful! So, how do they manage to connect in the same way as you do? Generous person because he writes in big print, and wants to get the big message across.
Ideal candidate to pass the message along to others.
Whatever next?
I saw a movie recently, where a court case was won by a man claiming to be Santa Claus. No body believed him except the children as there was no proof that Santa Claus existed, until it was brought to mind that on American money it is written,"In God we trust".
He of course is invisible too, so, the case was won. The movie is called "The Miracle on 34th Street" We thought it was lovely.
When I saw the money on Tv in the film, I didn't ever think that I would see American money with it written on it, from you, son. This movie was taped about 9 years ago, and I dug it out to watch as Tv is so bad lately. It was unusual to watch.
Isn't strange that this should happen? It sort of rung a bell. I think I told you about it recently in an email.(
You should see it.
Great talking to you on the phone, love to hear your voice.
Off to bed, Love Mum & Dad
Is that one of the strange coincidences that you mention that isn't really a coincidence at all, but just a nudge?