SAM was asked about his progress in the last
12 months
Yes, I had a full kundalini experience about 7 or 8 months ago. It was after I had went to bed. It started in my feet and went slowly all the way up to my head. It was pretty cool. My wife and I have been having a ball with "Source" as we like to call him.
I would like to add something I picked up from from Dr. Wayne Dwyer. He said that religion is the river and God is the ocean. Why do I want to ride down a river that leads to the ocean, when I simply can go straight to the ocean.
Thanks Steve, I have great appreciation for your work
Kundalini prickles, later used for signalling?Did that happen? My hand signals are infrequent. My wife's hand signals are frequent and very accurate.
Independent signalling hand tingles? YesYou and your wife- did you swap dreams and stuff? Not that we recall. We do not talk allot about our dreams though.
Sams Question -Can we do anything more along with practicing the hand trick every night to increase the download or drip feed as you like to call it?
I have been scared awake with a nightmare so that he can say to me "I just called to say I love you !"
So he can be whimsical and playful like us.
Drip feed works for everybody. Seems to be a cultural thing to want the turbo button. I know for sure the average person couldnt understand all the stuff you know Gina if it occurred in a single night download.
Most people would think themselves going insane with tingles, prickles, night and day dreams, and hearing voices if they occurred in one day.
And Gina you mention fear. That's a major obstacle- Cultural programming instills fear into many people.
I just finally got an email back from a Creationist illustrating your point. He has the motivation and interest to put up a website furiously attacking evolution and link with likeminded sites and goes to church weekly etc. But he just wrote me that he has no interest in gnosis. This is a common response.
Gnosis, a Greek word, was deliberately expurgated from the New Testament by the Church in AD300. Yet obviously many leading Biblical figures were gnostics! They heard voices and had messaging dreams! Bible gives the impression only leading fugures can do this. It's not for the peasants. Just keep going to Church. See the scam? Gnostics were hunted down by the newly Christianised Roman Empire and eliminated. Almost a million were killed by the Vatican in the 13th century south of France.
Simply a big business eliminating its competition.
So our success is growing, but in a drip feed. I am still greatly encouraged by our progress.
I am trying to get the attention of that website as they write books after collecting knowledge. But like so many they have tunnel vision.
I dont know if they would even open a real mail envelope. They don't respond to emails yet.
I was hoping to get a little gang togther so that 5 independent emails with roughly simlar content recommending LG could be sent to websites to get their attention. It might work better than my single emails. Just a thought.
Gina, I am very happy that LG has enhanced your life. It gives me great pleasure,beyond words.
Thanks for your note, Gina
And please if you get any ideas about who could be approached about LG just drop me a line.
Highest Regards Steve in Sydney