Psychopaths appear frequently online, under pseudo-skeptic videos as sneering narcissists. Hallmark is their avoidance of argument content and their exclusive concentration on ridicule and sneering toward anyone they can hold in conversation.
In the real case featured here, is highlighted the lying and twisting stalking nature of an online psychopath who will say
just to continue heaping scorn and derision on somebody else. So gross was this persons departure from common sense at the outset it made me laugh, as I wrongly assumed he was simply a confabulating feebloid pseudoskeptic, but no, this was carefully planned, many times practised psychopathic game, richly described in the embedded video Defence against the Pyschopath
The real life psaychopath example occurred under the Pskep video below.
I'll put a couple of the entries in chrono order so you can see the game he plays.
He started with a common demand from Pkseps. Demanding to be spoon fed evidence of the highest possible quality, for His Highness to taste, and of course reject as simply not good enough, you peasant, sneer sneer sneer. Oh, so familiar......
I sent him 50 cases from Victor Zammit, where psychics have assisted police in scoring convictions. These are on public record are aired in 4 countries NZ, Australia, Denmark and the US. In these TV shows Policemen actually talk to the camera, and sheriffs and Top police Officials acknowledge the psychic's necessary assistance in scoring convictions and jail sentences, especially on cold or dead end cases. Some psychics even come FBI recommended. Which for the average mainstream person, is the approval stamp for normalcy.
But nowhere near good enough for His Highness, this sneering narcissist, who explains to me, dear peasant, that only deluded morons believe TV reports.
He starts with a playground sneer--- and it just continues, down the page.
Bear with me, this is leading somewhere, dear reader.
(obviously James Randi on TV would never do any of the above)
And of course, this sensationalistic tv shows, manipulate the information from a single shred of any involvement and make up a whole story about it. Please, you have to be kidding here if you think that that constitutes proof of anything. And, even though there might be some police officers, deputies or even FBI agents, that may believe in said psychics, that doesn´t mean that those departments do. All these people are, before civil servants, well people, and as such they......
So all of the people involved are deluded and crazy except this sneering skeptic. Oh so familiar
He then adds
@Indianlake100 That was the exact opposite of what happened? You are an idiot
@ebrobaru Eminent British journalist Robert McLuhan , Oxford graduate, in his book Randis Prize, studied counter arguments offered by the “skeptics,”opposing ESP the Paranormal and Afterlife , carefully weighed the evidence for and against, and in most cases concludes that the “skeptics” have ignored, twisted, distorted, misinterpreted, disregarded, or simply dishonestly written off the evidence. The story of your life eh ! Your holy mission !
Then more was added....
@ebrobaru Robert Mc Luhan writes The skeptic literature is full of alleged exposes, and alternative explanations which when scrutinized amount to nothing, and only exist in the imaginations of the sceptics.
Imaginations of skeptics are criminal places
@Indianlake100 Scrutinized by whom? By believers? By woo woo supporters? Please, at least have an intelligent argument
@ebrobaru Long list of testimony from Police all over, long list of convictions on public record in 3 major English speaking countries.The use of psychics has proved useful many times. So the police support "woo woo" also, because its gets CONVICTIONS. Woo is proven productive in courts. Its fact. Making JR more irrelevant than he has ever been, dear moth coming ever closer, to the flame. Indianlake100 1 week ago
@Indianlake100 I guess that this "Eminent" British Journalist is an expert at detecting frauds, cons, tricks and the like. I don´t know him, but I bet if a small inquiry was undertaken it would show that this man is a great believer and supporter of psychics, dowsers, astrologers, tarotists and the like. Surprise, surprise
ebrobaru 1 week ago
So far this is average Pskep stuff. So I tell him its all over TV
@ebrobaru If that were the case he would be a lot smarter than you. He is an eminent journalist doing international poiltical coverage for UK newspapers. He has sold millions of books on a wide variety of subjects, and you are a troll. LIke a moth coming ever closer to the flame. Could he be supporter of psychics? Most people are these days as the evidence is all over the TV of Police using psychics in difficult cases. Long list available, ever growing too.
Now here is the turning point
@Indianlake100 Please show me a SINGLE case of any police department, anywhere that can claim that a psychic proved useful in any way. An official police report please, not what the so called psychic claims.
@ebrobaru Would you like 50? In case you dont know its televised in 4 countries now. Denmark, NZ Australian and the US. Police reports involving psychics are read out on TV. In Australia the TV show is called Sensing Murder.What about direct interviews with police on TV? Is that Official?
@ebrobaru The claims are typically made by a TV show. The psychics are treated like lab rats in a scentific experiment.They are kept away from TV, newspapers the NET and have to work in another country where they dont know the landscape, media etc. So NZ crimes are plumbed by Australian psychics who know nothing of NZ. Very rigorously done are the programs. if you really want to be spoon fed its your DEFECT. Feebleness Have you heard of typing your question into Google ? Its on your DESKTOP.