Chairman Mao Tse Tung's personal doctor, defected to the west, and it was revealed, that although he saddled the Chinese nation with the tyrannical 1 child policy, he himself fathered many hundreds of children. At village meetings where he would ask for donations and give motivational speeches, he always had secretly organised, the prettiest 14 yr old girl in the village, to be brought to him. Most of the girls were so blown away by the experience, that there were never any complaints leading to scandal.
Not unlike Berlusconi. The other thing Mao did, was swim almost daily in village ponds full of faeces. His doctor confirmed this. Studies reveal, people who make careers out of swimming are generally very sensual people, who place paramount importance on sex. It provides a clue, as to why they are humanists, which can convince them, that's all there is, and religion and God, are mere superstitions. Next stop communism.
Christine Keeler, was a british call girl used by the KGB to cause the downfall of a british politican, John Profumo, in the 1960's.
She later reported numerous powerful people in government, politicians and top public servants, masons all, had abnormally strong sex drives, often participating in orgies for hours.
Large pedophile ring was exposed in Portugal a while back, operated to serve the needs of Judges and top public servants.
Are you convinced yet? Do you think the video thesis has some validity, yet? That the desire to control others via government, is often simply, a symptom of a person's perverted distorted sex drive ? It All seems to be randy dysfunctional men, doing this offence..... so a systemic answer might be..... more women.
And you, dear reader, you can, mix this sexual perversion government motivation scenario, and the Terror Management Theory which simply uses fear of death as a masses motivator, and you can see how the chaotic world, could be governed a whole lot better, with raised consciousness the fifth force, and
likely more women in politics would improve things ( displacing men out of politics)