A useful template to hold over modern historical events is provided by Historian Eustace Mullins. Simply by using his suggested outline as a prism, a lens to view modern history events, a lot of things fall into place.
Eustace Mullins is not a revisionist but a correctionist and 1955 Tape recorded testimony from Adolf Eichman verifies, that Mullins 10 minute summary, that may be astounding for some, is substantially correct. LINK Provided. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Key component is the first step - the virtually unknown 1923 alliance between 2 parties- Hitler's floundering National Socialist Party and a Rothschilds Zionist Party. Which Mullins says was brokered by a double agent. Deception from day one.
Today says Mullins, we have random regional wars for the vaguest of reasons.
That is the grand NAZI scheme (Corporatocracy ruling the world)
We have a one world political NAZI party
NAZI acronym origin concealed.
National Socialists and Zionists
Great schism in world jewry - Zionists and Non Zionists
1828 the rich Rothschilds announced they would do something specifically forbidden by jewish holy books. Forbidden it was for jews to return to Israel until the messiah arrived.
Rothschilds said with all their money they would simply buy the land of Israel. Create a homeland
Moses Hoess proclaimed this. Said Yes we can ! 1828.
Judaic community is not monolithic !
Today it's still an ideological civil war inside jewry. Certainly in Israel. It's hotly disputed.
This not obvious at all to gentiles. Non jews.
NAZI mission was to force Zionism (going to Palestine) onto Non Zionist jews
Pre 1923 jews were well off in Germany. In all of Europe the least anti-semitism was in Germany. According to Ezra Pound.
1923 the Nationalist Socialist party secretly merged with the a Rothschilds Zionist party to gain political leverage to move by bullying, intransigent happy jews from Europe to the Palestine desert. Othodox religious protest was difficult to overcome for the secular zionists.
Mullins for brevity then skips to the holocaust death camps which is a huge jump. requiring some explanation. He explains the Zionists operated some of the death camps which seems so impossible to the average person. But Mullins is not wrong.
However it happened slowly and gradually mixed with cruel "kindness" over a period of about 7 yrs.
Post 1933 Jewish people were invited to migrate to Palestine by the German government. The zionist's wish coming true. The 1828 Rothschilds plan was working.
3000 Jews were given agricultural training to set them up for farming to settle the new land. It was fairly cruelly done though, a bit like trying to leave South Africa during apartheid. Can only leave with $100 and the clothes you wear.
Top Nazis like Eichman visited Palestine in 1937. And he carefully explains in a 1955 tape recording that Zionist jews were particularly helpful running the detention- deportation camps ! Link here significant parts are coloured and bolded. >>>>>>
Sonderkommando is the German word for the zionist camp supervisors
So Mullins is correct
And prisoner treatment just got worse over the years into the 40s. Zionists collaboration continued with the NAZI regime no matter how bad it got.
Did the average German know about the holocaust? asks Mullins.
No it was a well kept secret he says something like the Manhattan project which was a complete surprise to most Americans.
Death of Hitler was not the end of NAZISM. It carried on entrenched in the misinformational monopoly controlled Zionist media owned by zionist bankers.
So here we are today.
The European Union the 1942 German Industrialists plan if they lost the war. Announced in UK Parliament.
So there. 100 yrs the 20th century, the worst history ever, explained in 10 minutes.
Recapping -Today we have random regional wars for the vaguest of reasons.
That is the grand NAZI scheme (Corporatocracy ruling the world)
We have a one world political NAZI party
And Iran is the NAZI / Zionist's (Neocons) next target. Ya got it?