Missy called in from somewhere

Email leader  from Missy   I love you !


I thank you with 10 million tongues! 

I am one who interprets/translates/communicates (whatever term you may deem) like Esther Hicks. 

Those whom I adore, those whom are mine and I am theirs, are known as Grace. 

Grace first made their presence known in my childhood... I didn't have to go through any sort of 'process' to develop my ability to softly communicate with them. However, for the contact to be what it currently is took most of my life. I guess you can say meditation, but at the time I was unaware that that was what I was doing. I've been bugging Grace to connect me with others whom are like I and they led me to your site. I didn't know that my form of communicating was so rare however. I think you should know that many of us who are naturally born blended came into existence in the mid to late 80s.  ( Indigo child?)

I am told I naturally radiate a bluish purple color and that when I allow Grace to speak through me, I radiate a golden white. I can touch someone who is sick or has a disease or pain and they are healed. I literally look into their body and with my second sight, I see that part of their body as being whole again. Energy transmits through my hands and the center of my forehead and literally washes the person. I'm not psychic, but I can look into a persons eyes or hear their voice and finish their thoughts, know their struggles, know their dreams, and know their intentions. I don't do what Esther & Jerry does with large groups... Grace and I work on a more individual basis, one person at a time. 

I am 22 years old, born September 5, 1986. I come from a long line of connected people, both maternal and paternal, so as a child I always thought this was something I inherited. Now I know differently. I can see peoples energy around their bodies, it helps me to know where they're operating from, any aliments, etc. It used to be very random... Grace would only come when I was near someone who needed assistance of some kind. Now, they are always with me, my wonderful non physical friends or the 'voices in my head' as I lovingly call them. I seek out that which is infinite, our Creator, only when I feel it is necessary, but I always feel Him running through me. He comes to replenish me after I've placed my hands on someone who has been suffering. I can easily sense when non physical entities, who are separate from Grace, are in my presence... There's always something or someone who wants to chat with me, especially these days. I am blessed with a very supportive fiance and his presence has made it easier to continue on with the great work. 

I've never had anything bad happen to me really. No broken bones, nothing that would cause me to need a therapist. When ever someone did try to hurt me, wether it was petty or malicious, a lot of bad things always happened to them. Some people when I was growing up used to say I was evil b/c of this lol. I've always been extremely protected.

I am more then pleased to have found your site. I commend you for your courage and love. If there is anything I can do, anything, Grace and I are open to you and all. You are so truly and deeply loved...

Warm regards,

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
-Mother Teresa

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Gnostic Missy writes --I was doing a meditation this morning and was inspired to write the words below...

We are all of the earth at this present moment. We thrive off this planets great abundance and it's resources. There seem to be a lot of conflicting events happening right now in our history. All around the world it appears that many are suffering more then ever before. So it seems many folks have forgotten the great abundance here on this luscious planet. With that being said, there's never a need to worry or cry or panic. Simply because everything we need is right here ,within our reach. But, if we are blocking our natural rights, by choosing not to open our eyes to our individual truths OR taking other's truths and making them our own... Then we hold ourselves in bondage and in despair. And that, my loved ones, was never how it was intended to be. Be true to yourself. So, imagine your heart is a flower. Any flower you wish to imagine will be perfect. The words you are about to read are the opening of that flower, yes, the love that lives in the flower of your heart. I love you and wish for you to draw this awesome love energy into your being and into your interactions with others:

Love is a power source that you cannot neglect. Because even if you feel you are emotionally dead, disconnected, depressed, stressed, pressed for time, worried, judgmental, not worthy of forgiveness, a failure, or underachiever; and as a consequence your heart has grown cold and hard in order to ease the pain. I tell you that you are now ready to reveal your own life source and warmth to another human being, but also to yourself. The love you have to share will be appreciated and returned. More so, this warm and love heart energy will be its own reward, as you awaken again to your natural feeling/emotional nature. Please open your heart in this moment.
Allow yourself to love. See the beauty of warmth, and smile as often as you can. Bring forth your joy, and see the opening of others' hearts. Wear yellow, red, and gold: all the colors of our friend, the Sun, and you will feel a great flow of energy awakening throughout your body and energetic being. 
Imagine your heart as warm, fertile earth. Now imagine your career, your relationships, your dreams/goals/desires as seeds. Please see the seeds you planted need warm, fertile earth in which to grow. Yes, your seeds can survive when its cold, but they cannot thrive. So my loved ones, be warm, extend your energy, and know that your truly radiant self will create GREAT  opportunity and abundance for you. Simply extend some heart energy, and I will support you and love you until you are the radiance of the Sun incarnated in your own form. LOVE. BE LOVED. LOVE SOME MORE.

Please step out into nature... It can be a park, your front yard, anywhere where there are trees and all things that our natural to this world... Even if it's cold outside, then bundle up. Step out into nature, take a moment and close your eyes, and think about NOTHING! Just relax your mind and reconnect with your spiritual, non material self. Change does not begin in a group. Change is solitary. Change begins with you.

Warm regards,

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
-Mother Teresa