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Praise & Blame (Download) -
Fascinating is the latest album of the rowdy energetic sex bomb
singer Tom Jones. Spent most of his life on stage with hordes of hysterical women hurling their knickers onto his stage performances. His image has always been one of a carnal party animal and not much else.
But his new album Praise and Blame seems a radical departure just reading the track titles and listening to his short video promo statement.
Jones says THIS album is the Real ME. Implying his previous works have been a showbiz persona that he now says is quite false.
So we are introduced to a new Tom Jones who is unexpectedly thoughtful and serious about life and existence and afterlife and the price of behaviours.
Implying regrets and concerns for his conduct.
He uses religious metaphors in negro spirituals that suggest he has been gnostically contacted, prompted, had thoughts just ghosted, misted into his mindseye thus he thinks it's his own thoughts accrueing and growing a new maturity in him. Semi gnostics are often quite unaware and never stop to question the origin of their thoughts.
Just look at the track list---- its a gnostic growth process. A journey from nowhere to somewhere.