4 Awake/ Sleeping death Telepathy, Connectedness, Extended mind, UK- Australia link, Messaging dreams about death. Submarine death bed coincidence
Hard evidence in clock stories. Garage clock stopped at Mothers death point.
1 Death portal, Grievers experiences, Palliative Carers experiences, Hospices, Anecdotes Raw Material of Science, Invisible visitations to the dying, Deceased loved ones appear in last 2 weeks
2 Apparitions in the room, Conversations with apparitions, death appointments made.Tuesday . Some resistance to go with the 'visitor'. Great Light, compassion reassurance. No mention of dying.Dying Unbelievers sometimes reverse, following deceased 'visits' Cultural influence on the experience.
Deceased Parents collect the dying. Cutural variations. Death bed visitors gradually come closer over days. Carers sometimes see the apparitions. Not confusion. Not drugs.Death bed coincidences. Strange animal behaviour.