Madonna Deutch in Ethiopia

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MadonnaDeutsch has sent you a message:

Re: Re: super-Thanks for subscribing !
Hello Steve,

Thanks for the prompt reply. You have a brilliant website. wow.. amazing

How i got to know about Gnosis is rather strange. I have a dream about the mystries of ancient Upper and lower Nubia. It was like a film. So I got up and wrote the names of the towns, cities and names. In the morning, I searched them via google and everything was so accurate.

This is how I got to know about all these things. One has to learn more. I was raised a christian but this is the first time I started thinking out the the box of the BIBLE.

I wonder why the Gnostics dont go evangelizing.. Could you tell me why....

Greeting from Deutschland

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MadonnaDeutsch has sent you a message:

Great channel. keep the good work. A weekly Gnostic teachings will be appreciated.


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MadonnaDeutsch has made a comment on LAY GNOSIS Dowsing Divination:

Hello Stev,

Super, Keep the good work.


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Come look inside this Lay Gnostic on Youtube- ask her a question. She is worth listening to.
Madonna Quote "I wonder why the Gnostics don't go evangelizing.. Could you tell me why...."
Steve Trueblue - Answer seems to be that Gnosis is such a profoundly sacred experience to many.They keep it to themselves. Treasuring it. Can't blame them. And I cry, while humanity sleepwalks,  mistakenly believing they are scientific animals and religions work.