Electric Universe Strikes Back

Dave Talbott   to me

show details 9:29 AM (6 hours ago)

It was less than 24 hours ago that we posted on YouTube the final glimpses from Episode Two of "Symbols of an Alien Sky."
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=U-qrnsh83f4

The video segment, "The Lightning Scarred Planet Mars" (Part Two), has already provoked a terrific response, showing up on YouTube as the number of viewers who add the video to their "favorites" list. At midday today, we were close in the top fifty in the "favoriting" of educational videos, with room for considerable growth. Having barely begun our news distribution on this latest video segment, we're asking for your help in getting the word out.

Using the "Share" function directly below the video, you can share your favorites, ratings, or comments on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Reader. The steps are easy, so you can encourage others to share the video as well. Networking of this sort could well be the wave of the future, even in intellectual revolutions.

To make our point about the response of viewers, I'm appending below all of the comments received as of 9:00 this morning.

Your own response could make a big difference in the outcome.  For this we thank you in advance,

David Talbott
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YouTube comments on "The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars," Part 2
—as of 9:00 A.M., January 14, 2011

Excellent presentation. I especially liked the part on the martian blueberries? as evidence of electrical plasma interface.
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Brilliantly simple, makes perfect sense. Should not be long before this is standard theory.
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This is beautiful & mesmurising.......I watch it over and over. Thanks for such a clear and simple narration. This is both educational and entertaining.

Tchau David (aged 64 yrs amateur astronomer UK living in Brasil.)
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I cannot thank you enough for your efforts, and for putting? these videos up. But, thanks anyway :-)
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Imagine what it would been like, back when the world was flat, for someone to come along and show you why it's round. For those able to follow the evidence and "connect the dots" it would have been a staggering revelation and so it is with? the Electric Universe so brilliantly presented by this video and others in the ThunderboltsProject.

We can only hope those institutional planetary "experts" can rub the sleep out of their eyes and get to work a little faster than the flat earthers did.
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thanks? for setting me free...
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Benoit Madlelbrot, one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived, left us recently. When the video refers to "Mandelbrot", it is referring? to him. He was the father of chaos theory and and the father of fractal geometry. Truly a most remarkable man. Our world lost a truly brilliant star.
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Very interesting indeed. Thanks for the video? and I look forward to the full DVD. It may be premature but what is the direction of the third and final installment? Saturn? The Sun?
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So? GREAT!..
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Bravo! Irrefutable evidence, as far as I am concerned, for your theory.?
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ah? ..... beautiful piece of work.

when will this be taught in primary schools?

thanks very much.
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Great video! ThunderboltsProject.

I love the Electric Universe theory. It dots all the i's about the vast electrical system that is nature. On September 20, 1889 Heinrich Hertz, in a keynote address to the German Association For The Advancement of Natural Science said " The domain of electricity extends over the whole of nature." Quote from: Electric Universe by David Bodanis.
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Great video! ThunderboltsProject.

I love the Electric Universe theory. It dots all the i's about the vast electrical system that is nature. On September 20, 1889 Heinrich Hertz, in a keynote address to the German Association For The Advancement of Natural Science said " The domain of electricity extends over the whole of nature." Quote from: Electric Universe by David Bodanis.
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I love this! ? I cant wait for the DVD!
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Another great entry. And if the email text really does imply this is the final glimpse,? I am very excited for the DVD coming out very soon!
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What? about the so-called "Forest" on Mars? They look exactly like the Lichtenberg figures.
Mikamar Publishing

2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR

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YouTube - Videos from this email
Best ever description of the electric sculpting of the Martian surface by massive lightning effects reproduced on small scale in earth labs. This videos step by step description of the many  physcal signatures of lightning on terrain explains many mysteries of Mars and likely Earth. So enthralling is this video it  has attracted high praise in fact acclaim  and it's hoped a Twitter Facebook revolution as in Egypt may ensue to drag modern science out of the gravity mass dark ages.