It takes one to know one!
Enjoy your fleeting moments in the sun you pseudo-scientific charlatans with your armies of drooling, illiterate buffoons. You will soon join the ranks of all who have choosen to abandon science to carve a special place for themselves. The full support of Wikipedia, Google and a radical, atheist inspired “Intellectual Community” will not shield you from the Truth.
There is no place for those who must muzzle their adversaries and those who engage in such hideous tactics are fulfilling Thomas Henry Huxley’s warning -
“Science commits suicide when she adopts a creed.”
Heedless of Einstein’s summary -
“A doctrine which is unable to maintain itself in clear light, but only in the dark, will of necessity lose its effect on mankind with uncalculable harm to human progress,”
you all three go right on, trapped in your shared congenital ideology that we live in a purposeless world, mere accidents, the products of forces you already know to be true. If you had not all three deliberately made us your mortal enemies, we would feel sorry for you. Sadly, you have made that impossible and must now reap the crop that you have sown with the seeds of bigotry, intolerance and hate that have marked you as the enemies of Truth and Knowledge, goals that you can impede but cannot stop. I look forward to seeing you all pilloried by your peers, your certain fate as the enemies of science you have all three proven yourselves to be.
Enjoy yourselves, you pathetic enemies of the world you seek to destroy. It is very much later than you think.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
I love it so! John A Davidson