I knew Deepak Chopra in Sydney in about 1980 before he was superstar.Whe he was an MD working for the Transcendental Meditation organisation, as a TM teacher. I was a long term TM meditator myself. He was modern conventionally educated doctor who recognised the scientific reality and the potential of simple regular meditation practise bringing a wide variety of health and happiness benefits to a society. He is now a daily practiconer of the advanced TM Sidhi technique devoting some two hours daily to that practice. He went to the US and became the public face of the TM movement, frequently on Oprah , authoring some 50 books. Providing lifestyle advice from the perpsective of the Unified Field Technology otherwise called Transcendental meditation.
Great headway he has made, popularising what is a tried and tested old style gnosis attainment technique, requiring daily devotion to meditations twice daily.. So successful is he that organised religions express public dread at the rising tide of Gnosis knowledge, that threatens to expose religions in their true light, a fifth wheel.
If you are a devotee, student, admirer, reader, of Deepak Chopra you just can't get a better quality teacher.
And if you came to this website with some of Deepak Chopra's teachings you are the best prepared for the icing on the cake. LAYMAN'S GNOSIS.
Welcome Home Godling