2 years ago
the zapper is a blood purifier it basiclly purified your blood from parasites and microbs and fungies dr hulda clark a german sceintist she discovered it to healing cancer and aids with it .FDA doesnt approve it because it puts the drugs companies out of business it is the medicine of the future but not this one what david wolf talking about it doesnt produce pulsed electricity buy the real one in ebay under name dr hulda clark zapper.
Steve Blood purifier? Unlikely. The NE555 is only an audio tone oscillator. It would need to pulse a Gunn diode to produce Gigahertz Frequencies. But Gunn diodes do work off a torch battery. Therapeutic maybe. Ritual Placebo- self healing maybe.
be discerning Godlings.
be discerning Godlings.
How do you know he has no proof? Have you asked him for it? I agree some things in the community can sound far fetched (cough, cough,sun gazing) and everyone should do their research and not just buy into something... David is someone who does his research, hell, the man is a scientist who wears a poncho instead of a labcoat, and he will gladly share this with anyone who asks him.