Voices of the first day  by Robert Lawlor ---how to get it

From a book supplier
On Book Depository it is currently on special: http://www.bookdepository.co. uk/search?searchTerm=+voices+ of+the+first+day&search=% 3CSPAN>Find % 3Bbook
$28.90 to be posted anywhere in the world - they are in stock.

On EBay USA it is $36.49 plus  $6.50 postage.

It is $19.77 on Amazon, but be careful - they usually charge like a wounded bull for shipping/handling and you usually don't find out until  the last minute....
Second hand copies available from Amazon for like $3 

Have you read the reviews on Amazon? They would  interest you I think: http://www.amazon.com/Voices- First-Day-Aboriginal- Traditions/dp/0892813555/ref= sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid= 1289106520&sr=1-1

The only negative review there is written by a pseudoskeptic
The others in great number are very positive.The book is 
 very appealing to this gnostic.

I have had a scrounge around on Amazon for shipping prices. Inside US they can ship for Free or $3.99. However outside (eg Canada) is expensive. For 3 - 6 weeks $12.49. For 3-7 days $35.98
To Australia 18-32 days is $10.00 and 5-12 days is $16.00

Book supplier Says- NZ Yes, I can supply for $18 plus 5.60 for postage. Would take approx 8-10 days for postage . Just give me a name and  address.  (I do not know how many days for the ordered books to arrive though. Supplier
Book supplier