Talking about lay gnosis reminds me of that funny moment in the movie Shrek(1),
"Ogres are like onions.."
"What- they're stinky?" "NO! Layers! Ogres have layers!!" "Oh."
Layers abound in gnosis. Lay gnosis peels back those layers faster and in deeper ways than pure "academic" gnosis ever can.
Kinda like ripping off a band-aid really fast. But more infinitely more enjoyable! LOL
This video posted from Sydney on a Tuesday
EmpoweredBy Knowledge
@kimbo99 No I haven't seen the movie, iIdon't even know what's about and haven't heard of it at all. An to tell you the truth, I'm convinced we meet in dream-time and have chats or something because there's just too many similar things we have on our minds at the same time
@EmpoweredByKnowledge The Movie Inception is about the psychopathic use of dreams to do damage to others. Myself today composing a video commentary, describing a unique dream you had, days earlier, is done by Pure Affection to prove it can reach anywhere on the planet. That ultimately no one can hide. What a divine lesson.
The other morning I woke up dreaming that I was being shot in the chest. And that day I had the most horrible personal experience which gave me an acute pain in the centre of my chest (where I was shot in the dream) I still have some of the pain left. (During the day)
1 week ago
@EmpoweredByKnowledge A certain Source must have known I would have made that point in this video, and wanted to prove once again our global connection, Gladys. Certainly no accident. It's another bulls-eye. Certainly days ago I was pondering the oddness, of the death only dream-exit theme in Inception. I am in Sydney. And you are in the Canaries. And you haven't seen the movie.