The Value and Great Significance of Mind Stillness and  a Careful Delineation of Thought Anatomy, and its Role in  the Death of a loved one.
Australian aboriginals and monks on mountain tops  are not the only people who  find value in mind silence. It occurs in some western people. Here two such introspective  meditative individuals discuss the results of their internal observations and also how it smooths the death of loved ones. And finally after death communications involving other people in both cases. 
Note in LG mind stillness is not a requisite and Source makes a  point of making contact around and between left brain chatter typically in quiet spots, and of course direct physical signals gain the attention of the recipient, anytime. Thus its a much quicker way home. But this video interview is a good watch of a very natural process. Following the silence home. 
Induced After Death Communication for grief treatment
Contrasting with the above smooth death, the emotional damage caused by grievous death  can be crippling. A method of contacting the deceased was almost accidentally discovered by a psychologist and it was found caused tremendously healing emotional release.

Discovered by accident