Just trawl thru and look at the leadlines and lead paragraphs and you'll get the idea from these powerful commentators who join the dots for us. The Savile affair can't be contained because the Internet soaks up the leaks, and preserves them for internauts to see, giving commentators a powerful platform to share and collect knowledge from a variety of sources. Some conclusions are, that Rupert Murdock's press protect pedophiles in the BBC and the UK government. One article says that pedophile BBC personality entertainer Jimmy Savile, with no formal qualfications, was made a director of Broadmeadow prison where the Yorkshire Ripper is incarcerated and this known BBC pedophile personally knew the Yorskire Ripper.... A few more links to inform you of how it seems the UK governement and the BBC is staffed by numerous pedophiles.
And it connects to the White house and George Bush and kidnappings of paperboys in the US........ Note the final analysis of the behaviour patterns and policies of the BBC by a long term observer