If you have seen the 4 little John O ' Collins videos explaining how 700yr old Vatican Canons are actually the Highest Laws and the foundation of our entire western legal system, its worth listening when he says we are just pawns on a chessboard amusing elite families. Geopolitics, Wars, Recessions, Terrorism, GFCs are never accidental. Never spontaneous. And you are taunted with your legal incompetence, your desire to remain asleep, with, mocking in-your-face public notices, such as the Occulus Omni, the all seeing eye, Symbol of the Jesuit Superior General, that those worshipping a Lord God, are actually worshipping, proving their legal incompetence.
So things that seem spontaneous and random, in the public domain, are probably not. Such as the rise of influential entertainers and figures like James Randi who still get programmed onto world wide TV
long after he has any useful influence. Randi stood on the occulus omni, all seeing eye, in his anti ESP TV show.
Pure accident. LOL. Link for you. >>>>>>>>>
An entertainer who has Illuminati symbols on his record jackets, Michael Jackson, is here analysed in a provocative article. Puppet on a string he seems to be
Like so many other entertainers. Just like Randi, odd connections to pedophilia, homosexuality, occulus omni, Pied Piper leading us away from knowing ourselves. To keep us asleep. Working for the vatican. Michael seemingly rebelled against this assigned role, and paid the ultimate price.
Terminal lucidity has been noted for some 200yrs and is getting growing deserved attention from serious science. It sometimes occurs when a person effectively useless, not knowing their own names, not knowing faces, from Ahlzeimers, gains full or almost complete lucidity in the last few hours of life.
Its most puzzling and exciting and and kicks the materialist paradigm still further out of the stadium.Where it belongs.
Excerpt here : Its the ability to perform bodily movements or skills shortly before death which seemed impossible before. Such as in mental hospitals.(Barrett, 1926; Brayne,
Lovelace, & Fenwick, 2008; Kelly, Greyson, & Kelly, 2007;
O?Connor, 2003; Ringger, 1958; Schubert, 1808/1967)
- the (re-) emergence of normal or unusually enhanced mental
abilities in dull, unconscious, or mentally ill patients shortly
before death, including considerable elevation of mood and
spiritual affectation, or the ability to speak in a previously
unusual spiritualized and elated manner.
This article carries a sobering message in how we may be misperceiving retarded deranged and crippled people and mistakenly see them as lost causes, who cant possibly enjoy any sort of productive existence. Terminal lucidity cases suggest its nowhere near that simple. Like, once again, dying is not a quick materialist process. But a slow spiritual process that takes days or weeks.
Autism 'could be triggered by very low doses of anti-depressants or other chemicals found in water supply'